Paleo Low Carb Crepes

Servings: 10

6 large eggs
1 cup unsweetened almond milk or other non dairy milk
3 tbsp coconut flour, sifted
2 tsp coconut oil, melted, plus 2 tbsp for the pan
1/4 tsp sea salt


          1. Whisk together the crepe ingredients in a bowl. Let sit for 10 minutes while the pan heats so the coconut flour can absorb the liquid, then whisk again.
          2. Heat a crepe pan or enameled skilled over the medium-high heat.
            I found this heat too high for my pans, I used med-low instead.
          3. Place 1 tablespoon of the coconut oil in the pan, swirling to coat the bottom and sides.
          4. 1/4 cup batter swirled around pan
            1/4 cup batter swirled around pan

            Pour ¼ cup of the batter into the hot pan, turning the pan in a circular motion with one hand so the batter spreads thinly around the pan. Alternatively, very quickly use a spatula to spread the batter. Fill any holes with a drop of batter, making sure the pan is fully covered.

          5. Cook for 1 minute, until the edges start to lift. Gently work a spatula under the crepe and flip it over. Cook on the second side for 15 seconds and turn out onto a plate.
            Rolling crepe to loosen from pan without tearing

            This took a little longer since I used a lower heat, but I was able to manage it better.  
            My added tip: If you have a pan like mine that seems to have a ‘hot spot’ where everything tends to stick, then I suggest that after gently working spatula under edge of crepe, roll the crepe up to be sure it is fully released from your pan, then unroll and flip.


          6. Continue with the remaining batter, stacking the crepes on the plate as you work. Add a little more oil to the pan after about every 3 to 4 crepes if they begin to stick.

Thanks to Steven and Chris at LiveWell Network for posting this recipe from Against All Grain: Delectable Paleo Recipes to Eat Well & Feel Great, by Danielle Walker